I would like to make the following acknowledgements. The first section is for any images or material I have cited that are from sources other than myself, and the second section is to individual institutions and people who have helped me in my search to learn more about axolotls. All other images and photographs are by myself.
Section 1:
- The photo of the heat-stressed axolotl on the Requirements & Water Conditions Page is used with the permission of Gabriela Grabler.
- The photo of the wild type embryos on the Breeding Page is used with the permission of Patrick Steinberger.
- The map of the basin of Mexico is from Axolotl Newsletter Number 26, "The Axolotl and its Native Habitat - Yesterday and Today", by Susan T. Duhon, of what was formerly the Indiana University Axolotl Colony but now exists as The Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center. May 2007 - this text no longer appears to be available online.
- The table of colour alleles on the genetics page and the diagram of the digestive system of the axolotl on the physiology page were drawn by me based on those found in Peter W. Scott's book, "Axolotls: Care and Breeding in Captivity".
- The photos of the white albino and the axanthic albino axolotls are used courtesy of the former Indiana University Axolotl Colony.
- The photo of the metamorphosed leucistic axolotl on the Tiger Salamander/Metamorphosed Axolotl Page is © Paul Devienne.
- G. Hoar for the use of her metamorphosed wild type axolotl photo (thank you!). You can read more about this animal and its transformation on the Axolotl Forum here.
- One of the photos of a metamorphosed wild type axolotl is my own, but the animal belonged to Henk Kaptein and Patrick Steinberger.
- Many of the books on the Books and Links Page.
Section 2:
- Susan T. Duhon, formerly of Indiana University, for the many emails she had the patience to reply to and the kindness to answer in such depth. Also, for the former Indiana University Axolotl Colony Website and her chapters in "Developmental Biology of the Axolotl".
- Sandra Borland formerly of Indiana University, also for her correspondence.
- Anne Ussing, Copenhagen University, again for her personal communication.
- Patrick Steinberger, for his advice, pictures, willingness to correspond, and much more.

Unless cited in the Acknowledgements, all text and images are ©1998-2019 John P. Clare. All Rights Reserved.
The use of any site content without written agreement with the copyright holder is prohibited by International Copyright Law.
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